City of Mobile
Recent News About City of Mobile
Mobile weighs contribution to affordable housing redevelopment downtown
Mobile weighs contribution to affordable housing redevelopment downtown
Now Hiring: Director of Parks and Recreation
Now Hiring: Director of Parks and Recreation
Atlanta Braves “World Champions Trophy Tour” coming to Mobile May 13
Atlanta Braves “World Champions Trophy Tour” coming to Mobile May 13
Multi-Purpose Room, Government Plaza 205 Government StreetThis serves as Notice for the Following Properties:1.
Personnel Board approves minimum wage increase for City of Mobile employees
The Mobile County Personnel Board today approved a minimum wage adjustment for City of Mobile employees. Based on a recommendation from Mayor Sandy Stimpson, the minimum hourly wage will increase from $11.89 to $15.22 for those working 40 hours or less.
City distributes Environmental Education Program Guide to schools throughout Mobile
As part of Mayor Sandy Stimpson’s plan to address litter in our roadways and waterways, the City of Mobile has partnered with area non-profit organizations to make a comprehensive Environmental Education Program Guide available to every school in our community.
Mayor Stimpson releases “Scorecard” for first 100 Day Agenda
At the start of his third term in office, Mobile Mayor Sandy Stimpson released an ambitious 100 Day agenda that his administration has accomplished much of over the past four months.
Selkirk & Nelson - USA Faculty Double Reed Recital on March 31
Selkirk & Nelson - USA Faculty Double Reed Recital on March 31 at 7:30PM
CITY OF MOBILE: Jan. 6, 2021 Meeting of the City of Mobile’s Architectural Review Board (Arb)
This serves as Notice for the Following Properties.
CITY OF MOBILE: A Message from Mayor Stimpson - December 21
Mobile County Health Department reports 23,745 COVID-19 cases, an increase of 186 cases.
CITY OF MOBILE: A Message from Mayor Stimpson - November 18
Mobile County Health Department reports 18,943 COVID-19 cases, which is an increase of 138 cases.
CITY OF MOBILE: A Message from Mayor Stimpson - November 19
Mobile County Health Department reports 19,070 COVID-19 cases, which is an increase of 139 cases.
CITY OF MOBILE: Arborists from multiple states assist in evaluation of damaged trees
City of Mobile welcomed a dozen expert arborists to Bienville Square to assist in our efforts to properly record and evaluate the health of trees on city properties damaged by Hurricane Sally.
CITY OF MOBILE: Symphonic Winds to be held on October 15, 2020
Symphonic Winds October 15, 2020 @ 7pm Location: University of Mobile.
CITY OF MOBILE: October 7, 2020 Meeting of the City of Mobile' Architectural Review Board (ARB)
This serves as Notice for the Following Properties.
CITY OF MOBILE: ArtWalk to be held on October 9, 2020
October ArtWalk will take place on Friday, October 9th.
CITY OF MOBILE: A Message from Mayor Stimpson - September 23
I attended the first Parks and Rec department all-staff meeting for the year. It was held at the Mike Dow Amphitheater at the Dotch Community Center, where everyone could gather and maintain social distance
CITY OF MOBILE: A Message from Mayor Stimpson - September 24
Mobile County Health Department reports 13,309 COVID-19 cases, an increase of 41 cases.
CITY OF MOBILE: Mayoral Curfew Order
Due to power outages at several intersections, Mayor Stimpson will continue the curfew in the City of Mobile.
CITY OF MOBILE: Mayor Stimpson Rescinds Curfew
Mayor Sandy Stimpson had rescinded the city-wide curfew requiring all city streets clear between 9:30 p.m. and 6 a.m.